domenica 28 febbraio 2010

Primo Marzo 2010 Sciopero degli stranieri

Israeli Apartheid Week 2010

Official Trailer for Israeli Apartheid Week 2010

L'occhio di Presa diretta a Gaza


Solidarietà ad Ahmed Mostafa blogger del movimento 6 Aprile arrestato dalla polizia egiziana.

Solidarietà ad Ahmed Mostafa blogger del movimento "6 Aprile" arrestato dalla polizia egiziana.

State Security Arrests A Student and Member in 6 th of April Youth Movement... State Security arrested the student, Ahmed Mustafa student in the Faculty of Engineering in the University of Kafr El-Sheikh because of writing a blog..... Ahmed has been detained now f...or four days pending investigation.and his trial will be in the military court, although he's an ordinary civilian and does not have any military status.

He was referred for trial before the military court in Cairo - on Sunday, 28/2/2010 with the following charges .....

1 - Abuse of the Egyptian armed forces.
2 - Working to undermine people's confidence in the armed forces.
3 - Publication of false news.

And we will update you with latest news.... Ahmed Abdel Fattah Mustafa student in the faculty of Engineering in Kafr El Sheikh University and a member in the 6th of April Youth Movement in Kafr El-Sheikh has been put in jail now for 4 days and will be forwarded to the military court because of this blog he published, revealing in it violations of the army ,and they forced him to delete it but a lawyer called his family telling them that Ahmed was detained four days.

But there are news that a military police car came to his house and forced him to ride with them to go to Cairo for investigations with one of the military officers, but was converted to a military prosecution and remained for four days pending investigation. The last comment on his blog was from an anonymous person telling him that he knows nothing about the army and the military college and threatening him that he will be punished for what he wrote within two days...

We appeal to all human rights organizations and activists to help us in Ahmed Mostafa's case and show solidarity by any means...

sabato 20 febbraio 2010

6 aprile 2009 3 e 32: io non ridevo.

A 10 mesi dal terremoto, le macerie sono ancora a Piazza Palazzo a L'Aquila.
Chi fa affari sulle disgrazie fa veramente schifo. Non ci sono altre parole.
Solidarietà agli aquilani.
Fuori gli sciacalli a calci in culo!


di Philippe Lioret

da vedere.

venerdì 5 febbraio 2010

Genova 2001: una ferita rimasta aperta

A 9 anni di distanza, le giornate di Genova continuano a tornare.

Se non siamo ancora allo stato di polizia, l'impunità sostanziale dei responsabili, la loro promozione in molti casi, porta a pensare a una democrazia di tipo autoritario, che non garantisce i diritti politici di base e che ammette l’esercizio arbitrario del potere istituzionale.

8 mesi dui carcere per aver scritto contro la polizia a Genova

lunedì 1 febbraio 2010
